Hey all Spanish students and parents of CHPCS,
We are going to be starting our in depth coverage of verbs and their conjugations for the present, past, future, and command (presente, pretérito, futuro, y imperativo (tu). There is going to be a whole lot of repetitious talk at home as they go through all of the conjugations in order along with writing, drawing, voice recording, and possibly other ways of practicing at home and over the phone. Please help your CHPCS scholar by encouraging them, reminding them to practice (anywhere and everywhere except when they should be in bed and asleep), and having the uttmost patience with this process.
This knowledge is critical for our students success in the classroom as we embark on a high paced game the combines tennis, volleyball, dodgeball, and a new twist for this year. I hope to gather some rewards and medals for those students that really demonstrate the knowledge and application of verbs and their conjugations.
Also, please let me know if your son/daughter/family member is struggling with this content so I can make sure to give extra encouragement in class and brainstorm with you a plan or way to more effectively study the material.
Buena Suerte!
Sr. Herboth
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