Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Winter Poems!
      Nosotros estamos escribiendo poemas sobre el invierno. There are two ways we are using for making these winter themed poems.

1. ___________ como "as/like" _____________.
      Ejemplo: Blanco como la nieve (White as snow).

 2. Más "more" ___________ que "than"_________________.
      Ejemplo: Más hermoso que un copo de nieve (More beautiful than a snowflake).

     For beginners.... use a color for the first blank and a noun for the second.
               More colors found HERE!

     For advanced... use an adjective for the first blank and a noun for the second.
                More adjectives found HERE!

     For expert... GET CREATIVE! I cannot tell you what that might look like now...I already have in class!
                Some fun found HERE!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

La guerra de los verbos

     The war of the verbs has continues in November. A brief synopsis: CHPCS Spanish students are working on several verbs (ser/estar/tener/hacer/ir/pensar), and they are challenging each other to memorize all of the conjugations in order for the present, past, and future tense.
     They are attempting to memorize/understand/and apply 108 conjugations! This is an unbelievable achievement if they succeed or a valuable step forward in their goal to learn Spanish by merely attempting this feat.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Harvest Festival and Spanish/Chines "Mercado" is coming up... are you ready? Use to practice your frutas y verduras.

Friday, September 28, 2012

"El Mercado"
      ¡Buenas noticias! The Harvest Festival and the Spanish Market are joining forces this year! Planning, learning, decorating, and more is going to happen on el dieciocho de octubre (Oct. 18th). More info to follow!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

¡Hola y bienvenido!

Aquí es el blog de las clases de español a Cascade Heights Public Charter School.